Monday, January 27, 2020
Virtual Supermarket Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages
Virtual Supermarket Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages of Hybermarket Technology Virtual subway Store Virtual subway stores makes shopping easier and saves time. For the point of make shopping easier and simple is customers can scan the barcode from any product they have at hand to place an order for one. It is easier for the customer to reorder food and office supplies that ran out of them, instead of having to remember to put it on a list, for a future trip to the store. The customer can get the product by setting the delivery time and location when they make the payment. Retailer set retail kiosks with life-size images of real product displays, placed in high-traffic areas like subway stations, which will be attacking the customer while they are waiting around. Its serving as an advertisement for the retailer. However, it can also save lots of money for the retailer, which they would have been spending open a real store. Card Scanning Technology Card scanning technology is more secure. This simple technology has increased the level of card security. It uses encryption and authentication technology which has increased the level of card security associated with payment cards. The microprocessor chip embedded at the heart of the smart card requires contact to the card reader and certain areas of the chip can be programmed for specific industries. Next, save to transport. Having the cards gives the holder the ability to carry larger amounts of money. It can reduce the problem of stolen money. Once cards had been stolen, it is nearly impossible to recover it because it needs the pin number of the cards. It can avoid the long queue. Card scanning technology just needs a few seconds to complete the payment, it gives the customer a fast and simple shopping experience. Intelligent retail and purchases Advantage of intelligent retail and purchase is it help customer found the stuff faster and easier. This type of technology include the location of each stuff, after customer key in the stuff system will come out the location that the stuff placed, can give the route to the stuff. Next, customer can list the stuff that they want before they go to the hypermarket. It is a good habit of plan before shopping. It can avoid buying the stuff that not really wants. Besides that, the technology of intelligent retail and purchase will show that the promotion of the hypermarket. It can attract the customer to visit the hypermarket and able to help the customer to find out the latest promotion product. Last but not least, intelligent retail and purchase can also give the suggestion or notification of promotion of customer favorable. The system of the technology had record the purchase of the customer, so system can depend of the previous purchases then come out the suggestion. Touch Screen Purchasing Advantage of touch screen purchasing is fast and simple purchasing. This technology only need the customer to stay in front of the touch screen kiosk of the hypermarket, key in the name of the product, select the brand of item that they want, after that customer can get the product after they pay. It can save the time of searching for item placed and the difference price of the similar product. Customer can get the information though the touch screen kiosk. Technology of touch screen purchasing is very easy to use. Customer only need to key in the stuff that they want, after that kiosk will come out the information of the product. No any personal device needed, so it’s also easily for everyone to use the technology. Disadvantages of Hypermarket Technology Disadvantage of virtual subway store is may late delivery. In the concept of virtual subway store, delivery places an important role. Customer will get the product by using delivery. If the delivery company suddenly comes out issue, for example weather, personal factor and so on, it will affect the time of deliver. Next, virtual shopping mode might elevate the case of returning product. Since customer does not seem the actual product that they will get, it is unable to make sure that the product is in good conditions before they purchase. Additional fees like shipping will be hidden until the late of the checkout process was a disadvantage of virtual subway mode. Sometimes retailer was hidden the cost of shipping fees, in order to get more attractive of customer. When the customer almost finishes the order they only get that they need to pay the shipping fees as well. The disadvantage of card scanning technology is easily lost. Because of the card are small, it is easily lost the card if the person are irresponsible. If lost the card, it will be very inconvenience, because a card may have double or more uses. The process of register another card it take many procedure, it is very trouble to the user. Next, Possible Risk of Identify Theft. While if use the card collect, it make the job of bearing person more easier. However, for criminals seeking a new identity, they are like gold, based on the amount of information it can contain on an individual. Unnecessary Surveys will be provided after shopping is the disadvantage of the intelligent retail and purchases. Due to the system of this technology, the survey will be provided before customer go out. Retailer always seeks for improvement for their business in order to maintain the customer, and find out the way that increase loyalty customer. Next, intelligent retail and purchase are too dependent on mobile device. Hypermarket can only use the mobile device to connect the hypermarket system connection. It required the customer have the mobile devices and also application to connect with the hypermarket system. While for those who are not match to the system connection they are unable to use the technology. Disadvantage of touch screen purchasing is low privacy. Customer personal information may be seems by large screen kiosk. When customer stands in front of the kiosk making purchase, someone maybe stand behind them, so that they will saw the personal information of the customer. Lost the delight of shopping. Some of customers’ is more likely to enjoy searching the product, touch and feel the product. So when the hypermarket become advance, customer do not have the delight of shopping. For touch screen purchasing, its also need customer go out to the hypermarket to buy the stuff themselves. It just provides the kiosk to select the product to save the customer time for find the stuff placed. Implementation challenges The main challenge of many retailer is retailer have to implement technology into existing stores to become multichannel. Such as smart screens, in-store tablets and the use of near-field communications (NCF) for contactless payments. Besides that, implementation challenge by using virtual subway store is good mobile connective is required. The order takes by virtual subway mode by using mobile to scan the barcode of the product. But in real life, there is no all people are practiced with the mobile function. Implementation challenge of card scanning technology is slow adoption. If used as a payment card, not every store or restaurant will have the hardware necessary to use these cards. One of the reasons for this is since the technology is more secure, it is also more expensive to produce and use. Therefore, some stores may charge a basic minimum fee for using smart cards for payment, rather than cash. The challenge of intelligent retailer and purchase is not everyone have mobile device. It is very hard for the hypermarket to implement this system while some of the customer does not have the mobile devices or application. In order to set up the system, it needs the accurate data. The data have to been set at the factory, and it was costly. Touch Screen purchasing implementation challenge is set up cost. Hypermarket need to set up lot of touch screen kiosk at the hypermarket. The cost of set up kiosk is expensive. This type of technology is only save the place of display of the product. Its also need to keep the inventory of all the product that they sell. The inventory costs are high for this technology. Security Issues For the secure issue, customer should always look for the address-bar padlock symbol. Look for the address-bar padlock symbol. A webpage should always be Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-encrypted when plan to use credit card information to shop. SSL encryption ensures privacy by restricting the computers that can access the data being transferred, limiting access to user and the online retailer exclusively. Next, never give out credit card number over email. Legitimate retailers will never ask for credit card information or other sensitive personal details over email. The only time that needs to give the information of credit card is when you are on an SSL-encrypted webpage operated by a trusted retailer. If shopping on a mobile device, stick to apps you know. Mobile shopping presents its own set of security issues, it is better for us to use apps that came directly from retailers, and to make purchases inside those apps. Lastly, never make purchases over public, for example unsecured WIFI. It could leave your personal information at risk. Integrating security practices across agencies, a task requiring collaboration among separate and dissimilar internal organizations; achieving smart card interoperability across the government; and maintaining the security of smart card systems and the privacy of personal information. According to Worku (2010), e-payment and e-banking applications represent a security challenge as they highly depend on critical ICT systems that create vulnerabilities in financial institutions, businesses and potentially harm customers Customer information is set in the mobile, so when they lost the mobile, personal information will be disclosed. Next, the system of the technology is having the data of customer purchases record. They can simply send the annoying promotion message to the customer and also sell the customer purchase record to the other industry. Customer personal information display in the touch screen kiosk. Interest parties will easily to get the information for immoral purpose. It is very danger for the customer. Beside that customer should know their right. Consumers are required to write a physical letter within 60 days detailing any complaint to the retailer, with a return receipt acting as proof that the creditor received the letter. The Federal Trade Commission provides an example letter, so all you need to do is fill in the blanks with your information.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Effects of Globalisation on India China Relations Essay
There is a shift in the nature of the relations between India and China from a purely territotial perspective in the post-independence period to the economic perspective in the post globalization and liberalization period .This has resulted in both positive and negative ramifications because of both state and non-state factors. TRADE: The trade between the two countries has been increasing since the 1990s and has reached $67 billion in the current fiscal. Because of this , many people who are directly and indirectly involved in the trade have benefitted . Mainly the export of primary articles like agricultural products have benefitted the marginal farmers. Globalisation has helped offset the losses incurred during reduced domestic demand and also because of higher profit margins in the international market. MULTI POLAR WORLD: The importance of developing and industrialized countries after the globalization have increased their bargaining power in the international arena like climate change conferences, reforms in the U.N, reform of quota allocation in the IMF which were dominated by the developed world before.. In all these stages, India and China have acted together against the stance of developed countries and have helped other small countries and island nations collectively put forth their obligations. SECURITY: Free movement of labour , capital and enterprise across the world demands better universalized security infrastucture.Both India and SCO are against the three security related problems-terrorism, extremism and separatism. India wants to use the Regional Anti-terrorism Structure of the Beijing dominated-Shanghai Cooperation Organisation . Also China can make use of the India’s banking sector for their proposed SCO banking structure. As both countries are interesred in Afghanistan’s mineral reserves, there is a need for both countries to chart out an emergency plan for dealing with civil war like situation after the exit of US and NATO in 2014. Both countries are also involved in maritime security in the Indian ocean and gulf area to protect their trade ships in the high seas from Somali pirates. All this has reduced the importance of territorial border problems in the dialogue between the two countries which is now dominated by concentration on areas with mutual interest s. NEGATIVE IMPACTS: BALANCE OF TRADE: Though the trade between the two countries has been increasing, it is highly skewed in favour of China. The trade deficit has reached a high of $27 billion this fiscal. Also many of the sectors like pharmaceutical and micro and small industries are not allowed to do business in China. The fruits of globalization is not being shared equally by all the sectors since it resorts to trade barriers and provision of cheap subsidy to its electronics sector which unfavourably helps them in the international market. TERRITORIAL PROBLEMS: Though there is less border related issues as such, globalization and foreign investments increases the territorial problem in the other areas like high seas. Investment by an Indian company in partnership with Vietnam in the south China Sea has resulted in regional territorial clashes among China, Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan. SECURITY PROBLEMS: The vulnerability of the state and the people to cyber terrorism and cyber espionage has increased due to the presence of Multi national companies. Recently Huawei and ZTE have been prevented from entering countries like US and Australia due to their indulging in cyber state-sponsored espionage. The security of the India is compromised due to the libealization and globalization. Both should ensure eachother of all possible security related measures during the defence ministers dialogue. Though Globalization has negative ramifications, it has turned the relations between India and China from negative to positive and has made them cooperate and coordinate on various fields and sectors.The opurtunites provided by new leadership change should be made use of by India to strengthen its interests and relations with China. . As skepticists say, both political and economic considerations are important and both should mutually drive India –China relations to the benefit of both sides.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Friedrich Engels and histor Essay
If one is not historical, then it is unscientific. The historical process that has commenced for millennia in the development of societies is a product of scientific processes and vice versa. Friedrich Engels has greatly contributed to the exposition of historical dynamics, one that is ever changing, in constant contradiction with the forces within and without. As it has been definitely asserted, historical materialism, as a part of a dialectic philosophy is not just narrowly limited to a â€Å"study†but it is a scientific process wherein events were investigated, researched, a hypothesis is derived and tested or compared if that assertion applies to universal condition. History thereof is a result of contradictions, a making of man, not just simply a compilation of events that transpired in the past. Only in such a way can history become a science. Thus, a truly revolutionary of his time, Engels presented history according to the material basis of the existence of societies, discussed the evolution of such societies as subsequent effects of the past, constantly playing interconnected, interwoven stories, which without the other is simply incomplete, unscientific. Here he illustrated the formation of history as a result of humanity’s struggle to attain its aims, therefore its own creation, its own being. Engels’ history does not consider man simply a being with presupposed actions, knowledge or decisions, man is a becoming, moulds the society that he belongs to, inseparably intertwined with the progress of the economy, his propensity to survive, to all other aspects of social existence. Certainly, Engels’ life is no different from the society he intended to explain. What has moulded him to become such a great influence in socio-economic paradigms and in the formulation of Marxism surely has a basis in his past, interconnected with his identity, with everything that has gone through his age, internal and external, positive and negative. His own being a laboratory of man as a â€Å"becoming†and of contradictions where which a new form from the antagonisms of the old is drawn. Hence, his life and works were a result of scientific processes, a fruit of the reactions among the material conditions that he was exposed to, a synthesis of numerous theses and anti-theses. Facts and figures are simply not what history is. Facts and figures say something but not substantially anything. History is a correlation and interrelationships between and among facts and figures without finding those connections are mere ink and paper –insignificant. Hitherto, Engels’ works remains to be of great influence in the struggles of oppressed peoples and of the international proletariat. This came into reality because Engels’ works were connected to the material foundations of human existence, ideas and theories that are not alienated: theories that can be felt, ideas that are tangible and inseparable from the activities of societies. As it was, matter precedes consciousness; Engels’ historical and philosophical analysis did not surface out of mere conception of abstract economic and historical fables, but were a result of the effects of the economic and social conditions existing at that time; societies came into reality first and from those realities a consciousness was obtained enabling Engels to scientifically analyze the future of societies based on the reasons that has caused past societies to progress into what they are at present. Engels biography is a display of such scientific course. His early life has been the origin why he came about with his voluminous works on history, implications brought by the facts how he was raised and intended of him to become, his experiences, and his direct contact with the production process and later in complete absorption to the revolutionary struggle in the industrial West. Friedrich Engels was born in Barmen, Prussia to a family of bourgeois origins in September 28, 1820, time when Europe was at the height of the development of the industrial era and wars of conquest for the accumulation of market, labour and resources for the bourgeois economy. It was a time of rapid changes ensuing on all borders, expansion of industrial interests was grappling Europe and colonies in Asia, Africa and Latin America were continuously ransacked while the European continent was in a constant scrabble of migration from different nations in search of industrial work. Indeed an era of accumulation of wealth and technological advances to improve productivity . His nascent years have been vital for the development of his future philosophical pursuit. In his poem â€Å"To My Grandfather†, written December 20, 1833, Friedrich has shown his early acquaintances in history through stories in the Greek mythology which he described as â€Å"many a beautiful story†that his grandfather told him . Another untitled poem written 3 years after described characters in stories from all over Europe seen by young Friedrich as â€Å"pictures to delight†. He was an observer and the environment drew much attention from him. Once he wrote about the conditions in Wuppertal, one of his first attempts to explain the seemingly complicated miseries of the working class , that even the columns of a building and the style of architecture did not escape his watch. It was the beginning of his acquisition of his most powerful weapon in his revolutionary battle, the excellence in textual conveyance. Not only was it a peek to his future history inclinations but also his superb literary talent that has greatly manifested in his works. His father, a German textile mill owner wanted him to become an industrialist too like himself. Though, the environment in which Friedrich Engels lived was full of stark contradictions, external factors which greatly affected his inner resolve, so that a strained relationship developed between them. A supporter of the Prussian government, Friedrich’s father held conservative views in politics and religion which could be attributed to his Protestant Pietist devotion that he entered Friedrich in local Pietist schools, indoctrinating him of narrow fundamentalist views of society that were never acceptable to his broad interests. He was then sent to Bremen, a German port city, before he finished his high school studies to work as a clerk, and there he exhibited despise to autocracy and religion, enjoyed life at its fullest and studied literature, philosophy, theology and history . The democratic struggles gaining political momentum at that time was under a literary movement drawn Engels to participate under a pen name Friedrich Oswald. His first work, a poem titled â€Å"The Bedouin †was published in the Bremisches Conversationsblatt No. 40. In September 1838 and many other literary works and commentaries proceeded thereafter. When he moved to Berlin to join the Household Artillery of the Prussian Army, he already had attractions to the Young Hegelians . His contact with the radical group proved to be vital in Engels’ future philosophical treatises. Hegelian philosophy maintained an idealist core with the dialectic claims that everything, after they had come into being, will ultimately wither away, a constant reminder of change and development inherent in everything therein. Though Hegelian dialectics maintained that thought precedes matter, it still had some followers who were radicalized and reached the point of concluding that even the Prussian state and religion will pass. The most revolutionary of them, however, deviated from Hegel’s â€Å"consciousness precedes matter†and inclined towards materialism. These revolutionaries, among them the 22 year-old Friedrich Engels, asserted that it is the other way around based on Ludwig Feuerbach’s rejection of Hegelian idealism and turned the tables for materialism. He would later publish a pamphlet hailing Feuerbach’s â€Å"The Essence of Christianity†in 1841. The pamphlet echoed Feuerbach’s materialist basis of societal thought and finally debunked theological monopoly of reflection with a â€Å"pulverizing†blow, but later Feuerbach’s materialism would be wedded with Hegelian dialectics . There he was an active radical, wrote articles for the democratic movement while attending lectures at Berlin University with his military service all at the same time. Before he would be sent to England, Engels, travelled to Cologne to meet Moses Hess, the first Hegelian who called himself a communist and the man behind Rheinische Zeitung –a radical daily newspaper. It was possibly in this acquaintance that Engels was influenced with utopian socialism and his travel to England would be decisive in starting a proletarian revolution in the most advanced industrial nation . His experience in Manchester, England in his father’s factory from 1842 opened his eyes to the realities of the working class which he stated in his Conditions of the Working Class in England in 1844, his first book bourn out of his observations in his father’s firm. In his English travel desertion, Engels have had certain exchanges with other workers’ organizations, radical, utopian socialists and Chartists and wrote for Robert Owens’ Utopian socialist paper, the â€Å"New Moral Order†. Only on his way to Barmen did he meet Karl Marx, his lifelong revolutionary collaborator. They first met in Cologne in 1842 and Karl Marx was an editor in the Rheinische Zeitung but took no time to explore their philosophical similarities. That friendship would last for about four decades. Together, Marx and Engels paved the way for the synthesis of Dialectical Materialism, Historical Materialism and Scientific Socialism among many other works that were to become the foundations of the proletarian movement. Engels could never be considered as Marx’s side kick as others would usually portray him, nor must he be treated as above Mar’s intellect on many philosophical questions. Often they would consult each other on certain points of argumentation and Engels recognized Marx’s excellence and at the same manner, Engels displayed his virtuoso in historical and literary fields. They were, in the truest sense, partners in their lifelong struggle for the liberation of the working class. What Engels had become could be ascribed to the people who had played certain parts in his â€Å"becoming†. His grandfather introduced him to the world of history and literature, his father pounced on him that he would later hate everything that his father believed, Hegel on his dialectics (though Engels had broken away from the idealist sector), Feuerbach presented the materialist view for his and Marx’s philosophical synthesis of the Dialectical Materialism and the millions of the workers’ masses that have borne the weight of the whole capitalist production system were, presumably, the greatest influences on Engels’ philosophy. Thus cementing that Engels was really a man that is a â€Å"becoming†. An accumulation of experiences, observations and contact with nature was the reason for having such philosophical standpoint . Engels’ philosophical background could be that of a German philosophy that could be traced from Leibniz, Kant, and Hegel. Though Engels or Marx did not have any â€Å"original†philosophical theories, it is precisely the justification on what was commented on the Critique on Feuerbach that theirs was a philosophy that aimed direct to the point of changing the existing order in the world not just explain it. On many occasions, Engels has directly found the connection of matter and thought, of historical events that are quite apart in ages but were systematically an integral part of the totality of human history. Friedrich Engels’ first book was the Conditions of the Working Class in England in 1844, written when he was in Manchester England. On its preface, Engels explicitly stated the conditions of the working class at that particular time based on his direct acquaintances with the proletariat or twenty-one months, straight from his observations. These observations were directed for the German proletariat so intense their conditions that Engels wished to know the root causes of their misery . In his dedication to the British proletariat, Engels can be seen as a true revolutionary, never satisfied with documents, it was a close contact, an integration among the masses of British workers that has propelled his understanding of the conditions of the working class. It was on the streets, in the alleys, in the working places that true understanding can be derived. The whole of Manchester turned into a laboratory of revolution . Manchester in 1844 is the centre of the Industrial Revolution which he observed, made the conditions of the workers worse. Huge industrial cities such as Manchester and Liverpool had disease occurrences four times grater than in the countryside. Before mills were introduced in England, more than four thousand out of ten thousand children die of whooping cough, scarlet fever, measles, and smallpox and an addition of another three hundred after. While adult mortality numbered to a thousand out of ten thousand and another two hundred added to the previous respectively. In one of his contributed article to the New Moral World Engels concluded that this condition must soon be ended with a revolution that would rearrange the social order existing at that time in three countries in Europe (England, France and Germany) as there is a fast spread of suffering among the working men in the continent. There were existing socialist and communist movements in many parts of Europe, half a million communists in France alone, with some differences in minor points in principle but again, Engels asserted that the proletarian class has the power to rise and become masters of their own, enjoy the fruits of their own labour only if these communists would be united –that would later be named as â€Å"proletarian internationalism†– costing most of Eastern Europe after the Second World War, a little more than a hundred years, with the USSR’s campaign of socialist annexation . Engels described the state of the capitalist system in England, being the most advanced at that time. In the book’s 1892 preface, 52 years since it was first published, the author noted that the rising industrial nations such as France, Germany and America and starting to break Britain’s â€Å"industrial monopoly†and finally reached what has England reached in 1844 and the effects were not different. Same economic laws apply and the fight of English workers five decades ago is happening in the country. It is after all still a bourgeois mode of production, the same tendencies, characteristics and social classes and antagonism still exist. Such was what he had predicted in his first edition and, scientifically, it was indeed the same characteristic of the capitalist economy regardless of nations and cultures. The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 mirrored the condition of the working class not only in certain time frame but through the times as long as capitalism exists in a more or less varied intensity. Further expounding on the roots of the proletariat’s miserable place in the relations of production, Lenin commented that Engels was not the first to say that the working class is suffering from the ills of the capitalist mode of appropriation and expropriation, but it was Engels who said that the working class is being pushed to the very edges so that the proletariat had been left with no choice but to fight back and destroy the bonds of slavery. A power, so much moving this line had exuded that after seven decades Russian proletariat had risen to create the first proletarian state. In 1847, Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian anarchist was banned from Paris because of calling for the over of the Polish and Russian governments. Bakunin was one of the many revolutionaries that appearing in Europe. A revolutionary high tide is sweeping all over the continent and the great masses of workers are looking for the lead in the revolutionary struggle. Such was the condition when Engels wrote â€Å"The Principles of Communism†in 1847, a year before the Communist Manifesto was published. There was, however an earlier composition for the Communist League. In June of that year, the founding event of the Communist League, the Congress of the Just, the Principles of Communism was written to serve as a draft for a statement to be embraced by the proletarian revolutionary movement, the Communist Manifesto . The International Workingmen’s Association formed in 1864 was actively participated by Engels, and later joined Marx in the General Council in 1870, two after the IWA was organized. Historically, the IWA had a huge part in the uprising in Paris in 1871: the Paris Commune. In this event Engels’ writings defeated Bakunin’s Alliance for Social Democracy. IWA was considered to be the first International, and after the Paris Commune was quelled, after the commune died, Engels guided the formations of many socialist parties in Europe, especially in Germany which has been the movement that the whole European communist movement looked upon as bearer of the great socialist revolution. It was here that the term â€Å"manufacture†, denoting production by hand was conceived by Engels, such was to differentiate â€Å"production by hand†from production using a machine. This scheme was decisive in future historical annotations for the transition from guilds to factories of the primitive capitalist model. It is best too clarify that Marxist literature considers, based on historical materialism, that world history has not grown uniformly, some have advanced to capitalism, other nations remain in the feudal stage, and certain communities were even at the stage of primitive communalism. In the year 1884, Engels wrote â€Å"The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. It was this document that really showed Engels’ distinction in history. He wrote this manuscript in just two months to continue what Marx would have wanted him to do – a treatise on the evolution of the State. This book covers the history of many nations, the emergence of private property and classes, and the state and ultimately how this state would perish, mush like Hegelian concept on the dialectical process of societies. Engels’ works were immensely influenced by Hegelian thought, especially evident in his â€Å"Origin of the Family†¦ †which was a complete narration of the scientific evolution of the societies, brought about by the contradictions that were constantly the cause of development, of ending an old social order and beginning anew. Aside from that, Engels life as a revolutionary and his works were also influenced by Moses Hess’s utopian socialist ideas, which, together with Karl Marx, they arrived into concluding that the future of capitalism is a scientific socialism and the establishment of the proletarian state. He also viewed the economy as the social foundation that it gives rise to the conception of the state, and that material foundation is the essential ingredient of the thought or way of thinking that would be dominant in the society. It was the very core of the materialist belief that matter precedes consciousness. Which takes us to think that a worker can not have a consciousness of a proletariat if the society has not reached the stage of capitalism, because in the first place, a condition does not exist that would permit a capitalist relation of production (wage labour). Through his life, Engels never believed in marriage pointing out that the natural order of reproduction is not bound by the exclusivity of a woman to a single man. That only came into being when the concept of private property had materialized, so as women. Women held a high place in the primitive societies since they were the only means that tribes and communities would survive was only through continued human reproduction . Engels’ works were referred to by the revolutionary movement especially on the philosophical discourses on dialectics, historical materialism and some of his economic formulations. These influenced leaders of different socialist parties in Europe and around the globe. In autumn of 1985, the leader of the Russian proletarian socialist revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin wrote about Engels saying that he was a great teacher of the world’s working class, and his life must be known to every workingman. Lenin further states that Engels did not let his bourgeois status to stop him from serving the cause of the revolution, study of philosophy and science and politics. The article published in Rabotnik, clarified certain principles in Engels’ philosophy, and asserted that although Engels followed Hegelian dialectics, he was nevertheless not an idealist but one who firmly believes in materialism. Engels, said Lenin, used scientific methods in answering the economic questions of the time. It also gave an insight into Engels political history that being said, Engels was a democrat before he became a socialist. Thus Engels taught that the liberation of the working class is in the hands of the working class. Lenin after 22 years would lead the Russian working class to a socialist victory, fulfilling Engels’ vision of a socialist state won by the proletarian themselves. Later in 1920, three years after the Russian socialist revolution had been won, a document was published showing that Lenin would again comment on Engels through â€Å"The Marx-Engels Correspondence†which he wrote in 1913. The letters contained many of the theoretical foundations of socialism, masterfully fighting through the ins and outs of the political struggle in Europe. It was an exposition of the revisionist renegades attempt to mislead the great masses of the proletariat to capitulate in the bourgeois political system. Through these letters, as Lenin pronounced, the socialist movement was kept in the right track. The tasks of the proletarian revolutionary were outlined to serve as a guide for many socialist parties that were waging underground warfare against their governments. The dialectical course of history was reaffirmed and from that principle, Russian revolution had drawn much of Engels’ guidance in the theoretical as well as in the practical recourse of the revolution. Mao Zedong, leader of the Chinese revolution from the 1920’s until after the Second World War had been a staunch Engels follower through his works with Marx. Chairman Mao had quoted the communist manifesto, stressing on the point that without the theories that Marx and Engels developed, the revolution will have no guide. Revolutionary theory as Mao had said would give the people a direction in waging a war for national liberation, to assure that there would be no resurgence of bourgeois state in liberated nations and ensure that new democratic revolutions will continue to the socialist stage . Again Mao on his article on Women, Engels was often quoted because of his contributions in the study of the status of women in the society, through his book â€Å"the Origin of the Family, Private Property and State†. The study of the women was a big issue in the Chinese revolution. China was then waging a war against traditions that existed for thousands of years that was the feudal relationships between husbands and wives, elderly and the young in Chinese culture. Engels’ views on the question of the equality of the sexes in the primitive communal stage of societies shed light on the history of the struggle of women. Women suffer exploitation twice. A female worker is exploited because she is a worker and she is a woman. She does not only suffer from capitalist exploitation but also from male domination. However, the struggle for women’s liberation is not a struggle against the opposite sex, but a struggle based on the economic class . Friedrich Engels was said to be the builder of socialist thought, the International Review issue no. 83 on the 4th quarter of 1995 stated that Engels had been persistent in his revolutionary career, truly of German tradition. Owing much to his perception of the workers’ movements tendencies and strengths that in the article his first book published was the book used by many revolutionaries through the years of struggle all over the world, from Russia to China. Thus Engels was a man defined by his becoming. Through his life, from the time he was born till the day he died, Europe was in the middle of an economic advancement, it was also a period of political changes. In the middle of those political and economic current, Friedrich Engels stood to face the challenges of his time. The blowing winds of free thought have set his mind to open to new ideas, seemingly the emergence of radical movements were just on the right time. When he became a part of the Young Hegelians, his philosophical inclinations were further developed. If we would look at this through an idealist perspective, it would be possible that Engels life had the right coincidences: Marx was born on the same era; the proletarian movement was on its fiery start. However, dialectically, the course of history would be just the same, it could have not been Engels, it could have not been Marx but still the truth of the development of societies will be there because it is science. History is a making of humanity not just one man, thus independent of anyone’s identity yet it identifies with everyone. It is the reality. Through Engels’ writing Marx was able to find himself a competent partner in his revolutionary theorization. Together they had formulated the socialist philosophy that soon changed the course of the modern society. Engels contributed much to humanity’s understanding of history, complete and thorough interpretation of the events, explained the mysteries that bind each and every event from the beginning of human civilization. History was view on another angle, from the toiling masses, thus, breaking the monopoly of the establishment’s monopoly of truth. Hitherto, societies were seen as dynamic, changing every second, quantitatively and qualitatively –change that was internally caused by those who are within the system, not by something that is detached, alienated, or abstract. Material basis was always at the fore of historical explanations. Engels’ historical insights gave the ruled power over the ruler, the oppressed over the oppressor. In time, the order of things will be changed, asserts Engels, which change will never end. History had become an integral part of the future, not confined to the records of the olden times; it has passed yet continues to take part in molding the future of societies. Without Engels history would still continue and take its path as we have it today. Without Engels to help Marx, the society will still change. Therefore, Engels did have a contribution to humanity’s history. Through his writings, Lenin foresaw the First World War as an imperialist war took advantage of it and made the revolution at home victorious. With the victory of the Russian proletariat, the course of struggles around the world suddenly changed course and had a farther perspective. Not only did these liberation movements aimed to free their nations from foreign domination but had decided to free them from the slavery brought about by the conception of private property. Movements did not only strive to destroy the existing political order perpetuated by tyrants, they had sought to destroy the economic foundation of tyranny. In the country from where he came from, Engels, too, caused much change. He became one of the contributors to the German philosophy, became an inspiration to German revolutionaries and paved the way for the advancement of the German proletariat. As Germany was inseparable from the conditions that what existing in Europe at that time, it too had been reached by the socialist movement that after the Second World War, Germany was divided into two. East Germany had a socialist economy and the, capitalist. Engels had his great deal of share in the development of Marxism and socialism. He was the brain behind the Communist manifesto and Historical Materialism. His studies in the field of history enlightened Marxists and revolutionaries in the course of the inevitable changes in the society. Bibliography (Section 1) Kenwood A. G. and A. L. Lougheed. The Growth of the International Economy 1820-2000: An Introductory Text. London: Routledge, 1999. Carver, Terrell. Engels. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2003. Engels, Friedrich. â€Å"Bedouin. †Young Engels, Marx & Engels Internet Archive. Available from www. marxist. org. Engels, Friedrich. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. New York: Pathfinder Press, 2000.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Should Abortion Be Legal - 3423 Words
Since almost the beginning of time, abortion has been something that is considered very taboo in our society. Many people do not like to discuss it or share their views on it to spare the feelings or judgement of others. However, it is a very important topic that deserves to have more light shed on it as well as have more supporters be open and outspoken about it. Abortion can be a tough topic for many to talk about due to their own personal experiences or life choices. However what is not so difficult is to simply make others aware that it is a pressing issue around them. As Lao Tzu said, â€Å"Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single†¦show more content†¦Since this made it much more difficult for women to receive an abortion, an increase in illegal and unsanitary abortions began to occur. During the Great Depression, there was a major increase in the number of women wan ting abortions simply because they were afraid they could not bear the expense of another child. This led to a high amount of unregulated abortions, which did not follow any health precautions, and in turn lead to a spike in maternal mortality rates. According to Leslie Reagan, professor of history and law at the University of Illinois and author of When Abortion was a Crime,†â€Å"a study done in 1931 shows illegal procedures were responsible for 14% of maternal deaths†(CNN). In the 1950’s hospitals began to administer â€Å"therapeutic abortions†which were only done if and when the mother’s life was in danger. Finally, in 1958, a record of a Planned Parenthood conference was released to the public and conversation of abortion rights was sparked across the nation. During the 1960’s a woman by the name of Pat Maginnis became the first person to publicly speak out about legalizing abortion. Throughout the 1960’s more people began to voice their opinions on women’s rights and abortion laws. From Sherri Finkbine traveling all the way to Sweden to receive an abortion, to â€Å"Jane†a major activist group at this time. Jane was created to provide women with the resources to find a place to administer a safe and healthy abortion. In
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