Tuesday, November 26, 2019
A comparative essay of I Cladius by Robert Graves and Augustus by Alan Massie
A comparative essay of I Cladius by Robert Graves and Augustus by Alan Massie "Autobiography is now almost as common as adultery, and almost as reprehensible," wrote Lord Altrincham. Whether writing an autobiography is as reprenhensible is open to debate, but Lord Altrincham did get one thing right: that many people, even the most obscure citizen, are writing autobiographies. Some authors are even taking to writing fictional ones for historical figures who have been dead for millenia.In these books a modern author assumes the role of a historical figure and recounts the subjects life and history of the time period through a first person narritive.Claudius the God by Robert Graves and Augustus by Allan Massie are two such books. The protagonists in these novels, Claudius and Augustus, were both emperors of Rome at the height of its power making them ideal candidates for such a work. The application of a modern author's perspective to an era whose history books are already full of bias, rumour, and unfounded opinion is an interesting premise, but is it actually effective?The answer is yes, the fictional autobiography is an effective and entertaining genre, because it allows for vast amounts of both explicit and implicit characterization, which gives the reader a real insight into the true nature and beliefs of the of the protagonists, which allows the reader to develop connections with the protagonist.papo com a là via na casa do claudioThese connections are important because they allow the reader to fully empathize with the protagonist and thus be affected and entertained by the plot of the novel. If these connections do not exist then the reader will not care what happens to the protagonist, and thus the fictional autobiography will fail to be engaging, because the plight of the protagonist is of such importance to the novel.This all-important characterization is achieved implicitly through the protagonists' relations with women, how power corrupts...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Insults and Aspersions
Insults and Aspersions Insults and Aspersions Insults and Aspersions By Maeve Maddox Like the rabbit Thumper in Bambi, I was brought up on the admonition, â€Å"if you can’t say nuthin’ nice, don’t say nuthin’ at all.†How times have changed! Not only has insult come to pervade public discourse, the Web abounds with insult generators to assist the invective-challenged. For instance, creative types who want to add a little class to their abuse can consult a Shakespearean insult generator. The word insult derives from Latin insultare, â€Å"to attack†; literally, â€Å"to jump on.†In medicine, an insult is anything that attacks or causes injury to the body. The verb insult means to display a scornful attitude towards someone by speech or behavior. As I have always understood the word, an insult is a deliberate attack on someone’s feelings, but there’s some evidence that for some folks, even a remark devoid of hurtful intention may be construed as an insult if it disagrees with one’s own views. This is from an article offering advice about how to respond to insults: It can be hard to know what to do when someone makes a thoughtful remark that is insulting to your convictions, values or beliefs I can see how one person’s â€Å"thoughtful remark†might be offensive to someone of differing beliefs, but I don’t see how it’s insulting. Here are some synonyms for the noun insult: jibe affront slight barb slur indignity injury libel slander declamation abuse [uh-BYUS] disparagement aspersion (usually in the plural) dig crack put-down slap in the face kick in the teeth cheap shot low blow Here are synonyms for the verb to insult: abuse [uh-BYUZE] be rude to slight disparage discredit libel slander malign defame denigrate cast aspersions on call someone names put someone down affront humiliate wound badmouth dis calumniate Note on aspersions: A reader asked me if one can do anything with aspersions other than cast them. The answer seems to be, â€Å"No.†The word aspersions comes from the verb asperse, â€Å"to besprinkle or bespatter.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Yiddish Handbook: 40 Words You Should Know11 Writing Exercises to Inspire You and Strengthen Your Writing55 "House" Idioms
Thursday, November 21, 2019
OB Clinical Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
OB Clinical Assignment - Essay Example If there are one or two missed periods, then this can suggest pregnancy. Morning sickness is another presumptive sign of pregnancy. Although this is referred to as morning sickness, this is really a misnomer, as the nausea that is associated with early pregnancy can occur anytime during the day. The variations that a woman might have is that certain foods might taste differently than before, and certain odors might also cause nausea. The nausea that is associated with pregnancy often occurs beginning in the sixth week after the first day of the last menstrual period and this nausea may last for 6 to 12 weeks, often ending at the beginning of the second trimester. Some women may still experience nausea and vomiting after this time frame, but this is not usual. Other signs of early pregnancy include excessive fatigue, which may begin a few weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period, and this excessive fatigue may last throughout the first trimester. Urinary frequency is ano ther sign of early pregnancy, in the first trimester. This is because the uterus is enlarging, which puts pressure on the bladder. The urinary frequency often disappears after the first trimester, as the uterus rises higher in the abdomen, then returns towards the end of pregnancy, as the uterus once again puts pressure on the bladder. ... Another presumptive pregnancy sign is quickening, which is fetal movement. This might be a fluttering in the abdomen that increases in duration and frequency. This starts occurring around the 16th week, so this is really a presumptive sign that is a second trimester sign. The movement eventually become distinctly fetal movements, as the woman first starts feeling movements that do not necessarily mean pregnancy, progressing to movements that definitely do mean pregnancy - such as the baby kicking and turning. Another sign of early pregnancy is libido changes – this might mean that the woman either wants to have more sex, or doesn’t want to have as much sex as she did before she became pregnant. A woman might also experience strange cravings – the old cliche is that a woman might suddenly crave pickles and ice cream together, but the cravings can be something more subtle. Perhaps she suddenly craves oysters, where she didn’t like oysters before. She might e xperience colostrum from the breasts, which is discharge. Her abdomen might become enlarged. Montgomery’s tubercules is another sign – these are the tiny bumps which are on a woman’s aureolas, that become more pronounced during pregnancy. Braxton Hicks contractions are another possible sign of pregnancy - around six weeks of pregnancy, the uterus starts to contract periodically, although this is almost imperceptible to most women. Probable Signs of Pregnancy Probable signs are more diagnostic of pregnancy than are the presumptive signs, although even these signs are not definitive, in that these signs can occur without the woman being pregnant. One of the signs is that the vagina and the uterus change. The cervix becomes softer. There is also a dark violet coloration of the vagina, vulva and the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Land Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Land Law - Essay Example It can be seen that Piers’ behaviour is lawful given that he lawfully entered into a contract with Rupert where an agreement of sale of the house was reached between the two. A contract can be loosely described as a legally binding agreement between two parties (Gibson, 1988). Certain elements need to exist in the formation of a contract. In order for a contract to be legally binding, there should be an agreement between the two parties involved. According to Harvey v Facey [1893] AC552, every contract should consist of an offer made by one party and accepted by the other. If it involves buying and selling, the seller agrees to sell something and the buyer agrees to pay for the goods or products being sold. Thus, sale of goods or property is regarded as a legally binding contract. After buying the Sun House, Piers became the legal owner of the place and is entitled to full control of it hence his behaviour is legal when he makes the changes described above. This agreement of s ale is silent about the existence of a tenant, Heather who has a legal two year contract of renting the place. However, this agreement was made between her and Rupert, the previous owner. In actual fact, it is Rupert who was supposed to redefine Heather’s contract since he was selling the property to another new owner. Rupert could also have raised the issue with the new owner of the place if he was willing to accommodate this sitting tenant at the premises. However, this is not the case so Piers has the right to enjoy freedom at his newly acquired property. Indeed, this action can affect Heather who is unaware of what is happening but it is advisable to Piers that his behaviour is legal. On the agreement of sale of the house it is not stated that there is a tenant living there so there is no way Piers can be sued for something which he is not part of. By virtue of ordering Charlotte not to use his front drive, it is also advisable that his behaviour is within the legal confi nes of the law. The law of the land states that every person has a right to ownership to property and owners are protected by the laws of trespass to land. This can be supported by the case of Winder v. DPP [1996] 160 J.P.R 713, where the defendants were charged and convicted of aggravated trespass for intentionally disturbing a fox hunt on private property. As the new owner of the Sun House, Piers has a right to enjoy freedom without interference by trespassers hence his behaviour can be said to be lawful. Charlotte has to abide by the rules of the new owner of the place and she has to find another alternative route. In case of Jude who contributed 33% when the Sun House was initially purchased, it can be noted that Piers also has the right to tell him to leave. In the agreement of sale of the house, it was clearly spelled that Rupert was the sole owner of the place. In fact, it is Rupert who misrepresented the facts so this may not be a problem of the new owner of the house who bo ught it in faith on the basis of information he obtained from the seller when they entered into this particular agreement. A critical analysis of this case shows that Piers’ behaviour is lawful though it has a negative impact on the other parties affected as discussed above. 2. When Kevin the property developer finished renovating the previously dilapidated houses he bought, he
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Dr. Adler’s New Vision for New York Medical College Essay Example for Free
Dr. Adler’s New Vision for New York Medical College Essay Quality education plays an important role in the development of an individual, as well as in any field of profession. In relation to this, quality education entails that it could adapt to the changes that happen through time. This kind of adage is most applicable in the field of profession that involves the welfare of other people especially when in comes to their health. Being the case, medical schools should also do the necessary steps in order to enhance the quality of education that they render to their students. In line with this, the new vision of Dr. Karl Adler tends to address such changes, which makes it a sound proposal to improve the performance and contribution of New York Medical College to the students and the society. Dr. Adler’s new vision involves affiliating the New York Medical College with Catholic universities in the New York metropolitan region (Klein, n. d. ). Personally, I believe that this proposal could indeed become very beneficial for the college, as well as for the university that they will be affiliated with. Pursuing this plan can help in addressing the problems that the college is currently experiencing. First, during the recent years, the college has been experiencing a deficit because of the unstable financial condition of the hospitals that it is connected with. As a result, the college is having difficulties in managing their finances. An affiliation with a university that has more students and greater sources of budget could aid this problem. Second, working interdependently with a university will also give way for greater grants that will help primary care doctors in their training (Singer, 1997). Lastly, New York Medical College is among the last colleges that have not been declared as a university. Establishing partnership with a university will give the students of the college an exposure with other fields like law, sociology, business, and other things available in a university. In the same manner, the college will also gain a chance to study medical intensive areas of study. The new vision of Dr. Karl Adler is indeed a sound proposal that will greatly contribute in addressing the problems of the college as well as making it a better educational institution. He exemplified a proactive and effective leader thinks of ways in order to adapt with changes. The concept of quality education could be fully realized in his plan because as Dr. Adler said â€Å"by working closely together we’ll make New York Medical College stronger†(Klein, n. d. ). References Klein, M. (n. d. ). New President sets course for medical college. The Journal News. Singer, P. (1997). Grant Helps to Ready Primary Care Doctors. Retrieved February 11, 2009, from http://query. nytimes. com/gst/fullpage. html? res= 9B03E6DB103EF935A15753C1A961958260partner=rssnytemc=rss.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hazard Mitigation Planning Essay -- Natural Disasters
Executive summary Hazard mitigation planning is an approach aimed at ascertaining ways to reduce the effects, deaths and damage to property that might result in the occurrence of a natural of man-made hazard. Hurricanes are among the costliest and the most destructive of natural disasters. Since 1995, the United States has witnessed more intense activities by hurricanes with Mobile County in Alabama experiencing hurricane Ivan and hurricane Dennis in 2004 and 2005 (Link, 2010). In 2005, Hurricane Katrina was the costliest and one of the deadliest hurricanes to have hit the United States and was rated category three in Mobile County (Marchi, 2007). The response to the disaster was poor owing to the lack of proper disaster preparedness as well as hazard mitigation planning. The very possibility of a hurricane hitting Alabama in the near future-within which the County of Mobile is located- appears as a near certainty going by past occurrences. The authorities as well as the community in Mobile County need to be more prepared for disasters by instituting hazard mitigation measures. These measures should be actualized through an effort by the County authorities in conjunction with the major s takeholders to put together a team that will comprehensively analyze hurricane Katrina and other past hurricanes affecting Mobile County. The Hurricane mitigation plan for the city of Mobile sets out the available resources and important information that would assist the community in reducingthe effects of a hurricane that might occur in future. The plan concentrates on measures and actions that can be put in place to reduce the effects of a hurricane. It covers an assessment of risk, sets out a strategy for minimizing the effects, and present... ... Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans. Ocean Engineering, 37(1), 4-12. Marchi, B. D. (2007). Not Just a matter of Knowledge: The Katrina Debacle. Environmental Hazards, 7(2), 141-149. Rodiek J. (2007). Landscape Planning in Hazardous Zones, Lessons from Hurricane Katrina, August 2005. Landscape and Urban Planning, 79(1), 1-4. Sadowski N. & Sutter D. (2008). Mitigation Motivated by Past Experience: Prior Hurricanes and Damages. Ocean and Coastal Management, 51(4), 303-313. Waugh, W. (2006). Shelter from the Storm: Repairing the National Emergency Management System after Hurricane Katrina. Michigan City: SAGE Publications. Yarnal B. (2007). Vulnerability and all that Jazz: Addressing Vulnerability in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Technology in Society, 29(2), 249-255. Forren J. (2005). Hurricane Katrina. Journal of Peri Anesthesia Nursing, 20(5), 303-304.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Positive Effects of Corporal Punishment Corporal punishment in regards to spanking has been used for hundreds of years in educational systems and in house holds and is still legal in all fifty states for parents to use in there household because it is an effective way to punish a child for wrong behavior. Even though in the last couple of decades this topic has been very controversial, many countries and educational systems have decided to outlawed corporal punishment because of the belief that it has created more and more violent behavior in children. But, there is still no direct link to spanking causing children to have more violent behavior. However, if youth violence and dysfunction is increasing at the same time that corporal punishment is decreasing, we should be open enough to consider whether the two trends are related. Maybe there is no connection. But maybe lawmakers and child welfare workers should pay more attention to the research suggesting that physical discipline can be helpful in certain contexts (Larzele re,2005). The whole reason for ‘punishment’ is to stop a behavior from happening again by applying an unpleasant stimulus immediately after a bad behavior has occurred. Therefore, we use corporal punishment because it is a method of punishment called punishment by application which spanking is applied to the child after a bad behavior, preventing it from happening again, which also help implement discipline. But corporal punishment is being apposed because other studies say it promotes more anger and aggression in juveniles, but places where it has been totally outlawed have shown different results. For instance, after Sweden outlawed spanking, violent behavior did not decrease. Instead, there has been substantially more violence in Sweden than ever before– violence by children, violence by parents, and violence by society in general (Grusec, 1994). That being said, there is no direct link to corporal punishment being the cause of violence increase because this shows it did just the opposite. But research does show that it could be linked to something else, journalist Patricia Hersch tells of the ‘deluge of adolescent dysfunction sweeping the nation, manifesting itself in everything from drugs, sex, and underachievement to depression, suicide, and crime’; and it is being seen in younger and younger children. About 20% of kids now ‘have some sort of developmen tal, learning, or behavioral disorder.’ And as the Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development warns, ‘substantial numbers of American youth are at risk of reaching adulthood unable to meet adequately the requirements of the workplace, the commitments of relationships in families and with friends, and the responsibilities of participation in a democratic society.’(Hersch, 1998) And a lot of this is being caused by the lack of parenthood and how parents are raising their kids now days with substantially fewer parents staying home with their kids and we have become addicted to TV, movies, and videogames (Rosemond, 1989). Parents don’t have to attend to their kids as much because they just put a T.V. or some kind of videogame system in front of them to keep them occupied. Thus, giving the kids less interaction with other people and their parents, which can lead to bad relationships and also antisocial which leads to aggression as well. So we see all these thin gs that easily effect our children and their behavior but people still try to link all of it back to corporal punishment when we should look at the big picture. A common misunderstanding is how to use corporal punishment correctly, and the primary goal most parents have in administering corporal punishment is to stop children from misbehaving immediately (Gershoff, 2002) and is indeed a good method when used correctly. When a parent is using corporal punishment out of anger, frustration, or aggression, the child will learn that same action you apply on them. Therefore, the punishment can be classified as abuse to an extent and when pain is being forced on a child out of your own aggression and anger they learn those same attributes and those later on cause behavioral problems down the road. But when used just to stop a specific behavior with out trying to inflict pain on the child is when it is most effective, and yes spanking is a primitive discipline method. But a child’s mind is also primitive. As researchers like Dr. Jean Piaget of the University of Geneva have popularized, kids learn from the tangible to the intangibleâ€â€fro m the concrete to the abstract. It is during the tangible, concrete stages when physical discipline seems to be the most helpful (Fuller, 2010). Thus, when using corporal punishment correctly and not abusively, the child understands immediately at a younger age. It is just like a dog, you need to train them at a very young age for the training to be most effective. Same thing goes for children because at a young age is when it becomes concrete, and just like dogs again, and when they start getting older it’s harder to get children to obey, and you cant teach a dog new tricks. But statistics from Sears, Maccoby, and Levin (1957) show that they found that 99% of the children they studied experienced CP at least occasionally. If that’s true and corporal punishment causes aggression, promotes violent activities, and learning disabilities like people say then why doesn’t everyone have aggression, behavior problems, and learning disabilities? They don’t because spanking is to be better at controlling aggression than mental punishments like timeout, reasoning, scolding, â€Å"non-contact†punishment, privilege removal, love withdrawal, or diverting. Also showing that calm and controlled spanking, and spanking in response to defiance, is uniformly more beneficial than other punishments. (Larzelere,2005) Growing up in a household where corporal punishment was definitely used by my parents, I feel my experience has had a huge impact on me because it has honestly helped me now more than anything. I say that because at a young age I learned fast what was right and wrong and have always been able to pick up onto things fast, and as I grew up I might have had some family problems and what not but I feel like me being disciplined at such a young age, it has kept with me all along. And I’m not just disciplined because I think I will be punished or something, but I have learned to be more, I’ve learned to be self-disciplined, and being disciplined has helped me in school, sports, living life on a daily basis, and my future. And that is another reason I believe corporal punishment is effective; it teaches discipline at such a young age, and with discipline comes responsibility, and these two traits are key for healthy lifestyle not just at a young age but through your whole life . Because no matter how old you are their will always be a punishment for your disobedience, whether it’s disobeying your parents or it’s disobeying a police officer, either way your going to have to disciplined enough to take responsibility for your actions. And if your making bad decisions or choices then you’ll probably have a worse punishment whether it’s a spanking or you go to prison. Punishments just get worse as we get older so might as well be disciplined now then end up in jail. In conclusion, I see corporal punishment as a very effective way for children to learn not to disobey your parents but to also just be obedient in general. Even though some researchers say it has evidence leading to violent behaviors and aggression, their research seems to be inadequate when it comes to the results and observations of research. Research trying to support the outlaw of corporal punishment even says the evidence presented is not strong enough to permit a conclusion that it has been proven that smacking causes long term adverse effects on children (Larzelere,2005). Proving my point that corporal punishment is not a direct link to issues down the line, and I would like to reinforce that corporal punishment is an effective way of punishment if used for the right reason and depending on the context of the behavior, and that it has personally directed me and influenced me in more of a positive way. Abstract After using the information I was able to gather from R. E. Larzelere, J. E. Grusec, P. Hersch, as well as J. Rosemod to help support my idea that corporal punishment is still an effective way of punishment in today’s society. Even though there is so many argued topics on the issue at the moment, I still concluded from my research that corporal punishment has no direct link to violence, aggression, and behavioral problems. Even after looking at evidence from E. Gershoff that tries to support the idea that corporal punishment causes behavioral problems as well as violent behaviors, a thorough understanding of whether and how corporal punishment affects children has not been reached. It hasn’t been reached because the research that is being used is unreliable and some of the parents are not aware of how to properly use corporal punishment on a child, so they are actually doing harm to their child because they are punishing the child out of anger rather than the sole reaso n to stop a behavior. Therefore, I believe corporal punishment is an effective way of punishment and helps direct children the correct way down the road in life with quality traits like discipline, responsibility, and respecting and obeying your authorities. Reference Robert E. Larzelere & Brett R. Kuhn, Comparing Child Outcomes of Physical Punishment and Alternative Disciplinary Tactics: A Meta-Analysis, 8 CLINICAL CHILD & FAM. PSYCHOL. REV. 1, 32 (2005) [hereinafter Larzelere, Meta-Analysis] Joan E. Grusec & Jacqueline J. Goodnow, Impact of Parental Discipline Methods on the Child’s Internalization of Values: A Reconceptualization of Current Points of View, 30 DEV. PSYCHOL. 7 (1994) PATRICIA HERSCH, A TRIBE APART: A JOURNEY INTO THE HEART OF AMERICAN ADOLESCENCE 12 (1998) JOHN ROSEMOND, JOHN ROSEMOND’S SIX-POINT PLAN FOR RAISING HAPPY, HEALTHY CHILDREN 179-80 (1989) Gershoff, E. (2002). Corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviors and experiences: A meta-analytic and theoretical review.Psychological Bulletin, 128(4), 539-579. Retrieved from http://www.comm.umn.edu/~akoerner/courses/4471-F12/Readings/Gershoff (2002).pdf
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Health Social Care
Making sure they have their fluids I set my standards very high and undertake all of my tasks for my service user to a gig standard even down to their cleaning, if standards aren't set high then this can cause problems with the service user for example: – if you don't brush their teeth one morning and forget to do it the next then their mouth would have a horrible taste and bad breath smell, this could then be called abuse and OVA (protection of venerable adults) could come into it. So it is very important for standards to be high in the work that is carried out. A way of describing how personal attitudes and beliefs that could be affected and how not to approach in this way is:- If you have a service user of different religion even though yourselves don't agree with this type of religion then you shouldn't treat them any different Service user has different skin color, you should treat them as any other person with same color skin as yourself If you and a service user have ha d a disagreement then you should just continue doing you work as normal and treat them as you normally would.Outcome 2: Be able to reflect on own activities Reflecting on your own work and activities is good because you can see where you are or have gone wrong, you can then change this by getting more training or advice room other people and they can show you what you are doing wrong. When you have done something good for example: I was in a service user's home and it was time for her medication, I gave her medication and then noticed she was putting them into her bag I asked if I could see and found loads of uneaten medication I then informed her that I was disposing of this medication. It made me feel so happy by doing this as I know she could've been planning an over dose or something. Sources of support for own learning and development could be: Spend time working alongside other colleagues.Talking to colleagues and asking them questions Going to training sessions either interna l or external Team meetings and discussions A personal development plan should be worked out with a supervisor. We will then discuss my goals and the best way of achieving them. Then my support manager will go through the best person for me to shadow in my new Job to learn new skills and to work on skills I already have, this person will then report back to my support manager on how well I am doing or if I need more training. This would then be discussed in another meeting we have to review what has been happening and how I am getting on in the new role Health Social Care Making sure they have their fluids I set my standards very high and undertake all of my tasks for my service user to a gig standard even down to their cleaning, if standards aren't set high then this can cause problems with the service user for example: – if you don't brush their teeth one morning and forget to do it the next then their mouth would have a horrible taste and bad breath smell, this could then be called abuse and OVA (protection of venerable adults) could come into it. So it is very important for standards to be high in the work that is carried out. A way of describing how personal attitudes and beliefs that could be affected and how not to approach in this way is:- If you have a service user of different religion even though yourselves don't agree with this type of religion then you shouldn't treat them any different Service user has different skin color, you should treat them as any other person with same color skin as yourself If you and a service user have ha d a disagreement then you should just continue doing you work as normal and treat them as you normally would.Outcome 2: Be able to reflect on own activities Reflecting on your own work and activities is good because you can see where you are or have gone wrong, you can then change this by getting more training or advice room other people and they can show you what you are doing wrong. When you have done something good for example: I was in a service user's home and it was time for her medication, I gave her medication and then noticed she was putting them into her bag I asked if I could see and found loads of uneaten medication I then informed her that I was disposing of this medication. It made me feel so happy by doing this as I know she could've been planning an over dose or something. Sources of support for own learning and development could be: Spend time working alongside other colleagues.Talking to colleagues and asking them questions Going to training sessions either interna l or external Team meetings and discussions A personal development plan should be worked out with a supervisor. We will then discuss my goals and the best way of achieving them. Then my support manager will go through the best person for me to shadow in my new Job to learn new skills and to work on skills I already have, this person will then report back to my support manager on how well I am doing or if I need more training. This would then be discussed in another meeting we have to review what has been happening and how I am getting on in the new role
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Abagail William essays
Abagail William essays Uncle, we did dance; let you tell them I confessed it...(10). Her uncle, Reverence Parris asked her what had happened. Abigail William and her friends were dancing in the forest, but she did not tell him everything. She did not told him the truth, but really she and her friends were conjuring spirits with Tituba so the spirits they are conjuring with would fall in love with them. In the novel, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, Abigail William, a young teenager girl causes the town of Salem to go corrupt. Abigail William is a liar, an obsessive lover and an evil young woman. She is a dishonest young woman who lies to get out of trouble. Her uncle uncertain what Abigail did in the forest talked to her about what happened? But we never conjured spirits(10). Abigail knows that if she tells the truth, she would get into big trouble. She could be condemned of witchcraft or could be hung. Knowing what the outcomes are, she lies that she never conjured spirits, even though she did. Her uncle, unsure of what Abigail said, asked her again. There is nothin more. I swear it, uncle(11). She could do nothing else, but continue lying. If she tells the truth now, she would get into even bigger trouble than she already has. Not only she is a deceitful girl, she is an obsessive lover. John Proctor is locked up because he was accused of witchcraft. One night, she visited him and talked him into running away with her. She told him how much she loves him, but John refused her love. Give me a word, John, a soft word(22). When a person loves another person so deeply, he or she wants to hear sweet words from that person. Abigail love John so much that she wants to hear loving words from him, but he does not want to. On the same night, she wants to change Johns mind to love her. ...oh John, I will make such a wife when the world is white again (she ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Reynolds Surname Meaning and Origin
Reynolds Surname Meaning and Origin The common last name Reynolds is a patronymic surname meaning son of Reynold. The given name Reynold derives from the Germanic name Reginold composed of the elements ragin, meaning counsel, advice and wald, meaning rule. Mac Raghnaill is the Irish version of the Reynolds surname, deriving from the Old Norse Rognvald a Latin given name composed of rogn for regal and vald, or valor. Surname Origin: English, Irish Alternate Surname Spellings: REYNOLDSON, REYNOLD, MAC RAGHNAILL, MRAINELL, MRANALD, MRANDAL, MACRANNALL, MACRANALD, MACRANDELL, MACCRINDLE, MACREYNOLD, MACREYNOLDS, RANDALSON, RONALDSON, RANNALS, RANDALS, RANDLES, RANOLDS Famous People with the Surname REYNOLDS: Ryan Reynolds - Canadian actorGeneral John F. Reynolds - Union leader during the U.S. Civil War Genealogy Resources for the Surname REYNOLDS: Most Common U.S. Surnames Their MeaningsSmith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 250 common last names from the 2000 census? The Reynolds Family CircleA non-profit organization open to any descendant of William Reynolds and Jane Milliken who were married on August 23, 1790 in Greene County, Tennessee. Reynolds Surname DNA ProjectThis FamilyTreeDNA hosted project has over 200 members with the Reynolds surname who have had their Y-DNA tested in an attempt to determine distant ancestral origins. Reynolds Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Reynolds surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or ask your own question about your Reynolds ancestors. FamilySearch - REYNOLDS GenealogyFind records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Reynolds surname and its variations. REYNOLDS Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Reynolds surname. DistantCousin.com - REYNOLDS Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and genealogy links for the last name Reynolds. Looking for the meaning of a given name? Check out First Name Meanings Cant find your last name listed? Suggest a surname to be added to the Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins. - References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back to Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Ethical Issues in Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ethical Issues in Media - Research Paper Example So, in case it features some corruption in terms of Ethics, the impact that it has on the social environment will be quite destructive. In addition to that, media platforms are known to form public opinion; therefore, if they convey information that is not correct, a part of the society will develop a wrong perception of reality. This paper will analyze an example that appeared in the media and violated ethics of journalism, proving that this is not acceptable for a reliable source of news and have negative influence on the society in general. Thus, when NBC which is a well known network was covering the shooting of Trayvon Martin, it featured audio recording that portray the alleged killer in a biased way. For example, George Zimmerman is showing saying: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.†(â€Å"Trayvon Martin case†). However, this is not exactly what Zimmerman said. He did say that the person who he was watching was up to no good, but the phrase â€Å"he looks black†was a reply to the question: â€Å"OK, and this guy  is he black, white or Hispanic?†(Wemple, 2012). So, in the first situation, people might think that Zimmerman was a racial profiler since he connected ethnicity of the boy and his activity; however, the objective picture shows that he simply answered the question that he was asked (Ross, 2014, 64). Therefore, one would make no mistake pointing out that NBC presented an incorrect depiction of Zimmerman, trying to make him appear a worse perso n than he actually was. The First Amendment should be engaged in the discussion of this situation. According to it, the law prohibits any infringing on the freedom of the press; however, the latter is required to convey objective data. In case it fails to do so, the law should punish it (Anastaplo, 2007, 222). If one takes a look at the ethical issue in question, one will be able to see that it compromises justice to a
Friday, November 1, 2019
How to save a failing law firm Speech or Presentation
How to save a failing law firm - Speech or Presentation Example To be specific, the administration develops the rules and regulations required to govern all aspects of the company. Therefore, the administration should exercise innovation, in order to provide the company with guidelines that would shape the destiny of the firm in the long term perspective. On the other hand, management takes the established rules and regulations and implements them using the available resources in the firm. The management goals are usually in the short term. The available resources in a firm refer to the factors of production such as capital, labour, and skills. These two responsibilities are very important in running any firm as they define the future position of a company. For this reason, leaders and managers require to possess vast knowledge and skills for any meaningful success in a company. Knight and Day Company is in the verge of collapsing. Hence, there is the need to integrate leadership and management skill so as to revive the economy of this firm, and save it from losing its credibility. A number of critical issues threaten Knight and Day Company in its leadership and management. There are several challenges that these two dockets need to address immediately in order to save the existing situation. One of the potential challenges in this firm is the labour resource. There is evidence of poor management and utilization of the labour force in this firm. To begin with, there is evidence of unskilled labour resource.In any given company, lack of skilled labour force is one of the major drawbacks in the labour resource. Unskilled labour brings out low productivity in the farm. Labour is one of the most significant and scarce resource in any company. Therefore, it is the duty of the management to oversee hiring of skilled labour to ensure that tapped labour resource can be harnessed effectively. This will provide optimum profits for the firm. In addition, there is evidence of loss of the already existing labour facility as the workers quit their jobs and take up alternatives out of this company.This is a major problem that can lead to failure of a company. This is because when the firm loses its laborer, it takes time to replace it through the recruitment process. This contributes to a large extent to the losses in a firm. The problem of labour resource management might require more allocation of resources such as time and money. In the process of reformation, there is the need to reform the labour resource through a recruitment process in order to have the required skilled labour. The recruitment process involves advertisement, interviews and even orientation of new employees. All these activities require financial support to implement. Moreover, skilled manpower requires that the salaries are moderated, and more specifically raised in order to avoid the massive departures of the employees from the firm. In addition, the whole process would require that the management sit in various sessions in order to provide a new set of development policies that would be used to regulate the labour force. This will require abundant time and also the use of money Another factor threatening the success of this firm is the poor co-ordination of the various departments and branches. For instance, the Los Angeles office operates autonomously from the rest of the offices in
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